Here goes nothing!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

For quite some time now I have been wondering how I can reach as many people as possible and share my knowledge in regards to world of fitness and athletics. The past six months have seen me working towards finishing up my master's in sports management which has caused my brain to be working overtime.

I plan on posting about several topics in hopes of reaching a wider audience. One topic will be based around adaptive sports (hence one reason the site name of as it applies to disabled or special needs individuals. Since working with special needs kids at a YMCA and more recently following the Paralympics, I have noticed how big a role athletics plays in their lives. Not being disabled myself, there is no way I can say "I know how it feels", but instead my hope is to help individuals find resources to enhance inclusion, as well as provide motivation to keep plugging along.

Also, after coaching endurance athletes for nearly six years, there are things I have picked up on that can help athletes of all types. Whether it be how to come up with a suitable race schedule, what equipment would work best for me, or just some good ole fashioned positive reinforcement...that is what I want to help with. Right now I will focus mainly on answering questions people may have and chronicling the remaining months of my quest for the master's degree. I thank you all for following along and encourage you to check back often for the latest and greatest.


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